२०८१ आश्विन २९, मंगलवार
October 15, 2024, Tuesday

Two from Sun City test positive

wo out of the three from a family in Sun City Apartments in Pepsi Cola, Kathmandu have tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

The three were admitted at the Patan Hospital on Monday after rapid diagnostic test showed them to have antibodies.  

Sources at the hospital and Baluwatar confided with Setopati that test of their swab at the National Public Health Laboratory showed that two of them are infected.

The total number of infected persons in Nepal has reached 16 with confirmation of the two.

Finance Minister Khatiwada had not met infected persons: Press Coordinator

Press coordinator of Finance Minister Yuba Raj Khatiwada, Yaman Paudel, meanwhile has refuted reports that Khatiwada had visited Sun City a few days back.

Khatiwada’s son stays at Sun City and he was elected in the internal election there recently. There were media reports that Minister Khatiwada had attended the function to felicitate newly elected committee members and interacted with the infected persons there.

“Finance Minister’s son stays at Sun City but reports that he had gone to Sun City in the intervening period are false,” Paudel has stated. “He is a very disciplined person. Finance Minister has not gone anywhere apart from the office and home. His meetings with outsiders are very limited.”

Minister Khatiwada’s son Tilak has also claimed that he has not met his father after start of the lockdown.

Where and when Khatiwada met the infected persons have yet to become clear.

The Sun City Apartments with almost 500 households has been sealed since Monday after the three tested positive in rapid diagnostic tests.

The government is preparing to test everyone staying in Sun City.

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